Monday, December 1, 2014

Portlet: Deploy Portlet (JSR 286) using JDEV

In this blog we are going to deploy our previously created portlet  ( here ) and view its output

We are going to deploy our portlet in weblogic which is WSRP producer also. It means it can expose our JSR 286 based portlet as WSRP 2.0.
WSRP is web service for remote portlet. If we expose our JSR 286 portlet as WSRP 2.0 then our portlets can be used not only in java portals but in any other portasl (.NET) based etc.

To expose your portlet as WSRP we can follow these steps.
1. Create connection to weblogic server on Resource Pallete. 
   (I have a stand alone weblogic server running locally in my jdev and I would be deploying my portlets on it)

     As we are deploying on stand alone server it must behave as a portlet producer. For that we need to extend weblogic with 'Oracle Portlet Producer' as shown below

2. Create deployment profile:
      a. Select project properties > Deployment > New
      b. Provide Archive Type (war) and name for deployment profile
      c. Just say OK in war profile

3. Deploy war:
     a. Right click on project and select Deploy and then deployment profile
      b. Select 'Deploy to Application Server option'
      c. Select your server on which you want to deploy
      d. Select 'Yes' for WSRP option

Once deployment is successful, you will see a url like


 Now launch that url on a browser
Page provides a url 'WSRP v2 WSDL'. This url points to a WSDL, which exposes all portlets of application using a WSDL. We need this URL to test this portlet.

If we want to deploy it on integrated server, we can start integrated server and then deploy using a deployment profile as suggested above.
But to test it we need to run integrated server from the application which has portal page. As we can only have one integrated server running at a time I would suggest following steps

1. Create a new ADF application.
2. Start Integrated server when this new application is selected.
3. Open JSR 286 application and deploy it on already running integrated server.
4. Again open ADF application and create WSRP connection with deployed JSR286 application.
5. Create a page in ADF application and drag and drop portlet from connection on page directly.

We will test deployed portlet in our next blog.

Portlet: Create portlet (JSR 286) using JDEV

In this blog we are going to create a basic standard based portlet (JSR 286) using JDEV.

Why do we need portlet: Portlet is a way to share your UI content in multiple application. Let say you have an application which shows employee hierarchy. You may be interested to show that particular part in other applications as well. In such cases these common UI which need to appear in multiple application can be created using portlet and then all applications can consume them.

What is JSR 286: . JSR 286 is java specification for portlets. I would say there are mainly two parties involved here. 1. Developers 2. Portlet producer. Portlet producer is a server which handles request and provide response like a web container. For example weblogic, jboss etc. Now all these java servers need to know if a request comes, how will they know its for which portlet, which class needs to be instantiated and which method of class needs to be called to get response. Developers also need to implement those classes. So there is a need of standard so that portlet developed on one java server can freely run on any other java server supporting JSR 286. Standards are something like this
1. Have a portlet.xml file in WEB-INF folder
2. Define your portlet in this xml file. Every portlet will point to a class.
3. Class must implement javax.portlet.Portlet interface. (As default implementation is already provided by java in javax.portlet.GenericPortlet class. We can directly extend it)
4. If you are implementing Portlet interface then you need to implement init, processAction, render, destroy method
5. If you are extending GenericPortlet then you can directly write doDispatch, doView, doEdit etc method. These methods will be called based on portlet mode.

There are many others but its enough to start with.

Similarity with Servlet Specifications: JSR 286 is a bit similar to Servlet specifications.
1. We define our servlet in web.xml, which is inside WEB-INF folder
2. Every servlet entry points to a class.
3. Class needs to implement javax.servlet.Servlet interface (or extent javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet)
4. If you are implementing Servlet interface you need to implement init, service etc methods
3. If you are extending javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet then you can directly write doGet, doPost etc.

Creating JSR 286 portlet:
JDEV provides mainly three ways of creating portlets
1. Using Oracle-PDK Java Portlet
2. Using Standard based java portlet (JSR286)
3. Exposing ADF tasflows as portlet.

We are going to create standard based portlets (JSR 286).
Note: JSR 286 is new standard for portlet development. It is also called Portlet 2.0 standards. Before this we had JSR 168. In old JDEV version you will see JSR 168 only.

        Click next - next - next - finish in other stops

We are kind of done with our initial portlet. Lets check entries created by JDEV
1. Project structure:

2. portlet.xml:

3. doDispatch method of GenericPortlet transfers all request to doDispatch method first. If we override this it means all request to the portlet will come to this method. Lets see default generated code of this method.

4. view.jsp:

5. edit.jsp:

6. processAction method of This method is called when end user clicks OK/Apply button when portlet is in edit mode.

With that our whole code is ready.

But to test it we need to deploy our portlet on a portlet producer. We will do it in next blog.

In a nutshell request response cycles will be something like

Friday, November 14, 2014

Executing BAM webservices using ADF proxy

In this blog we are going to create ADF proxy to execute BAM service and then expose it as a datacontrol. Here are the steps

1. Make sure wsdl url is accessible: Acess wsdl url as http://<server>:<port>/OracleBAMWS/WebServices/DataObjectOperationsByName?WSDL

You will be asked for username/password. Provide it and see wsdl is appearing fine.

2. Create proxy for wsdl: Follow these steps in your model project


    Select next next next in other screens. No need to select any security policy.

3. Create a class to execute service:


import java.util.Map;


import weblogic.wsee.jws.jaxws.owsm.SecurityPoliciesFeature;

public class BAMServiceDC {
    private static String USERNAME = "weblogic";
    private static String PASSWORD = "weblogic1";
    public BAMServiceDC() {
    public String invokeBAMGetService(String keyCSV,String xmlPayLoad){
        DataObjectOperationsByName_Service dataObjectOperationsByName_Service = new DataObjectOperationsByName_Service();
        DataObjectOperationsByName dataObjectOperationsByName = dataObjectOperationsByName_Service.getDataObjectOperationsByName();
        // Add your code to call the desired methods.
        Map<String, Object> reqContext = ((BindingProvider) dataObjectOperationsByName).getRequestContext(); 

//I would recommend to get username/password from credential store.
               reqContext.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, USERNAME ); 
               reqContext.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, PASSWORD ); 
               String response = "";
               try {
                   response = dataObjectOperationsByName.get(keyCSV,xmlPayLoad);
               } catch (BAMWebServiceException_Exception e) {
               return response;

    public String invokeBAMInsertService(String xmlPayLoad){
        DataObjectOperationsByName_Service dataObjectOperationsByName_Service = new DataObjectOperationsByName_Service();
        DataObjectOperationsByName dataObjectOperationsByName = dataObjectOperationsByName_Service.getDataObjectOperationsByName();
        // Add your code to call the desired methods.
        Map<String, Object> reqContext =  ((BindingProvider)dataObjectOperationsByName).getRequestContext();
        reqContext.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, USERNAME);
        reqContext.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, PASSWORD);

        String response = "";
        try {
            System.out.println("Inserted successfully.");
            response = "SUCCESS";

        } catch (BAMWebServiceException_Exception e) {
            return "ERROR: " + e.getMessage();

        return response;

    public static void main(String [] args)
        BAMServiceDC bs = new BAMServiceDC();
String keyCSV = "EmployeeID,Name,EmployeeTypeCode";            
String xmlPayLoad = "<DataObject Name=\"Employee\" Path=\"/Sanjeev\"> <Contents>\n" +  
           " <Row>\n" +        
           "      <Column Name=\"EmployeeID\" Value=\"2\" />\n" +    
           "    </Row>\n" +     
String response = bs.invokeBAMGetService(keyCSV,xmlPayLoad);       
//        String xmlPayLoadIns = "<DataObject Name=\"Employee\" Path=\"/Sanjeev\"> <Contents>\n" +
//        " <Row>\n" +
//        "      <Column Name=\"Name\" Value=\"B\" />\n" +
//        "      <Column Name=\"EmployeeTypeCode\" Value=\"APPLICANT\" />\n" +
//        "    </Row>\n" +
//        "</Contents></DataObject>";
//        bs.invokeBAMInsertService(xmlPayLoadIns);


We can run this class and also expose it as a datacontrol to execute BAM webservices.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

ADF: Login page keeps on coming back in IE (iframe)

I faced an strange issue when using ADF ui on IE 8 browser with iframe.

 Testing ADF in iframe
 <iframe width="1490" height="619" id="TheFrame" src="" >

I found that login page was continuously coming back even after providing correct username/password. At times I found that _afrLoop was going for an infinite loop. My ADF page was working fine on IE/Firefox/Chrome but if I load it using iframe, it was only working in firefox and chrome. IE was showing above mentioned behavior.

If we have to show secured ADF page on BAM dashboard then we may face this issue as BAM only support IE 7/8 and it will use iframe to show ADF page.

I followed it in forum and finally found that issue was because P3P policy of IE. I would like to thank Dairo for suggesting correct solution.

IE treats a website appearing in iframe as third-party and does not save cookies from it untill it has certain P3P policies in header. To know if you are hitting this issue or not just look at browser status bar at bottom and if you see an eye icon it means you are hitting same issue.

Now question is how to solve it

There could be two ways.
1. Configure IE to disable P3P check for your website: We can configure IE to allow saving cookies from our site. For that just follow these steps
   a. Go to Tools > Internet Options > Privacy.
   b. Click on Sites button and set your site

This solution is only feasible if there are very few users and they can change their IE settings.

2. Set P3P policy in response header to satisfy IE: For that we can follow these steps
   a. Create a filter and put following code in it.


import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

public class P3PFilter implements Filter {
    private FilterConfig _filterConfig = null;

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
        _filterConfig = filterConfig;

    public void destroy() {
        _filterConfig = null;

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
                         FilterChain chain) throws IOException,
                                                   ServletException {
        ((HttpServletResponse)response).setHeader("P3P","CP='IDC DSP COR ADM DEVi TAIi PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi HIS OUR IND CNT'");
        chain.doFilter(request, response);

Before setting P3P, I would recommend to look for legal bindings of P3P.

 b. Map url with filter in web.xml


Now ADF site will have a response header and IE will allow it to set cookies when appearing in iframe.



Sunday, November 9, 2014

Executing BAM weservice from SOAP UI

In This blog I am going to show how to execute a BAM webservice using SOAP UI.

To do this you need following
1. Up and Running BAM server: To verify that launch http://<server>:<port>/OracleBAMWS/WebServices/DataObjectOperationsByName. If you are asked to provide a username/password it means service is running.
2. Username/password: Second thing you need is a username/password. By default all BAM services are secured using http basic authentication. You need a username/password to execute them.

Here are the steps to do it
1. Launch SOAP UI
2. Create a SOAP UI project:


   You will be asked for username/password twice. (One for accessing wsdl and other for associated xsd.)

   Project should look like
3. Run a service operation: Right click on service operation (say Get) and select 'New Request'

Next screen shows request xml text on one side and a blank page on next side for response.
There are few question marks in request. We need to replace them with appropriate parameter.

We can use document to get  more information about service operations and their respective parameters.

As per document for Get service

keysCSV (xsd:string): Comma separated column IDs that must be used as keys
Sales Number, Sales Area
xmlPayload (xsd:string): The payload specifies what to get from the data object. For the DataObjectOperationsByName web service the data object name is specified in the payload, for example:

<DataObject Name="Employees" Path="/Samples"> 
            <Column Name="Salesperson" Value="Greg Masters"/> 
Key here is that xmlPayload has xml syntax and we need to pass it as a parameter. To do that we need to escape it. We can use any xml escaping site. I used to escape above xmlPayload. Escaped xml text I got is
&lt;DataObject Name=&quot;Employees&quot; Path=&quot;/Samples&quot;&gt;      &lt;Contents&gt;          &lt;Row&gt;             &lt;Column Name=&quot;Salesperson&quot; Value=&quot;Greg Masters&quot;/&gt;          &lt;/Row&gt;     &lt;/Contents&gt; &lt;/DataObject&gt; 

Now put keysCSV and xmlPayload in SOAP UI.

 Last thing that we need to do is to provide username/password.
      Select 'Auth' tab below request section and create a Besic authorization. Provide username/password

 Thats it.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Customizing webcenter pages programmatically

Webcenter provides a very nice way to edit page at runtime using Ctrl+Shift+E.

Still it might be a bit difficult for end user (admin) to show/hide certain section of a page. For example if we have header, body and footer section on a page. To show/hide header or footer on a page at runtime, admin can follow these steps
1. Hit ctrl+shift+e
2. Change the page mode to source
3. Select appropriate component
4. Click edit button 
5. A new popup appears on which admin can select checkbox show/hide

But at times customer wants some quick easy options to show/hide these prominent areas. For example when admin hits ctrl+shift+e we may want to show him two checkboxes to show/hide header and footer. He just needs to check/uncheck them to show/hide these areas.Yes this approach will not be good if admin wants ability to show/hide each component but most of the time customer is just interested in show/hide prominent areas like header/left menus/ right boxes/footer etc.

In this blog I want to show how to create custom UI to show/hide (or do any kind of customization) ui components. Let us list down our requirements first
1. On ctrl+shift+e we need to show a checkbox to show/hide footer section. Checkbox should only be visible in ctrl+shift+e mode.
2. Check box should be checked by default if footer section is visible and uncheck if footer section is not visible.
3. If user checks to checkbox footer should become visible immediately. Similarly on uncheck footer section should become invisible immediately.
4. Any changes done by this approach should be saved as customization and should retain its value post login/logout

Now lets start working on these requirements

A) Initial page design: 

To enable page customization we need to have page-customizable component on page. Security of page should be set appropriately so that admin can edit page. Let say initial structure of page is as shown in below diagram

B) Bind footer section with bean:

C) Adding a section on page to have checkbox to show/hide footer

Now we want to add a section in which we will add checkbox to show/hide footer section. Add a panel group on page above header section as shown below

D) Corresponding bean code

To set initial value of checkbox:

To perform actual MDS operation on selecting/unselecting checkbox.

On check/uncheck we can validate MDS file and see if its entry is getting changed.


Conclusion: Core part of this blog is to show api to programmatically customize a page and modify MDS entry. We can use it for endless opportunities.

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in this blog are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company.

ADF Tree: Searching child nodes using af:query panel

Problem Description:
We all know how to create a ADF table and provide a query panel for that table. Even we can create a query panel for ADF Tree but it only works with parent most VO. For example if we have Department/Employee tree we can provide a query panel that search only on department. At times we may want to include few employee related attributes like JOB on search panel and when user search based on JOB we just want to show those employees having same Job. By this way filtering is on child nodes and not on parent nodes.

In this blog I will be creating a tree showing department and employee. I will be creating a search panel with Department and Job field. When user search based on department, system will filter department nodes and when user search based on employee, system will filter employee nodes.

We will perform following steps
1. Create Department/Employee VO with a view link and create normal search panel
2. Add Employee Job field in search panel
3. Search Employee rowsets based on Job

1. Create Department/Employee VO with a view link and create normal search panel: This step is simple one and we all know how to create normal search panel. Here are the steps
      a. Create view object DepartmentVO (have department-id as primary key)
      b. Create view object EmployeeVO
      c. Create view link DepartmentVOToEmployeeVO. (Join based on department-id)
      d. Create a view criteria "search" in DepartmentVO and select Department-Name as view-criteria-item.
      e. Add DepartmentVO and EmployeeVO in AM using view link.
      f. Drag view-criteria from data control and drop it on page to create a search panel with adf tree.

At the end of this step you should be ready with a normal search panel on Department-Employee Tree. Search field is just department-name and when user enters department-name system filters Department (parentvo). Within department all employees are visible.

2. Add Employee Job field in search panel: Follow these steps to do it

  a. Create a transient attribute JobId in DepartmentVO (NOTE: Its DepartmentVO no EmployeeVO)


  b.  Include this attribute in search view-criteria


   Now if you run the page, you will see a new field JobId but it would not do anything at this time. We will make it working in next step.

3. Search Employee rowsets based on Job
Follow these steps

  a. Write following java method in

     * This method is used to execute childrowset of employeevo based on job-id mentioned on department vo's view criteria.
     * Logic:
     *   1. Select JobId value/operator from 'search' view criteria of DepartmentVO
     *   2. Create and apply a new dynamic viewcriteria on employeeVO based on JobId value/operator
     *   3. Iterate of all department rows and find out their employeeVO row-set. Execute that rowset.
    public void queryDepartment(){
        ViewObjectImpl deptVO = this.getDepartmentVO1();
        ViewCriteria vc = deptVO.getViewCriteria("search");
        ViewCriteriaRow vcr = (ViewCriteriaRow)vc.get(0);
        String jobId = (String)vcr.getAttribute("JobId");
        String operator = vcr.getOperator("JobId");

        if(deptVO.first() != null){
            ViewObjectImpl empVO = (ViewObjectImpl) ((RowSet)deptVO.first().getAttribute("EmployeeVO")).getViewObject();
             ViewCriteria vc1 = empVO.createViewCriteria();
             ViewCriteriaRow vcRow1 = vc1.createViewCriteriaRow();
             vcRow1.setAttribute("JobId", jobId);
             vcRow1.setOperator("JobId", operator);
        RowSetIterator rsi = null;
            rsi = deptVO.findRowSetIterator("iter");
            if(rsi == null){
                rsi = deptVO.createRowSetIterator("iter");
               Row row =;
              RowSet empRs = ((RowSet)row.getAttribute("EmployeeVO"));
            if(rsi != null){

   b. Expose this method to client

   c. Create a method action binding for this exposed method in pageDef file.


    d. Create a bean for page and register it in backing bean scope


   e. Write a method in searchEmployeeAndDepartment in It should perform following tasks

  •          execute department search programmatically.
  •          call AM method queryDepartment which executes all rowsets of employee VO
  •          refresh tree ui component

 Code of should look like

import java.util.Map;
import javax.el.ELContext;
import javax.el.ExpressionFactory;
import javax.el.MethodExpression;
import javax.el.ValueExpression;
import javax.faces.application.Application;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;
import oracle.binding.BindingContainer;
import oracle.binding.OperationBinding;

public class SearchBean {

    private RichTree deptTree;

    public SearchBean() {

    public void searchEmployeeAndDepartment(QueryEvent queryEvent) {
        // Add event code here...
        FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                ELContext elctx = fctx.getELContext();
                Application app = fctx.getApplication();
                ExpressionFactory exprFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
                MethodExpression methodExpr = exprFactory.createMethodExpression(elctx, "#{bindings.searchQuery.processQuery}", Object.class, new Class[] {QueryEvent.class});
         methodExpr.invoke(elctx, new Object[] {queryEvent});
         this.executeOperationBinding("queryDepartment", null);
        AdfFacesContext adfFacesContext = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    public static Object executeOperationBinding(String methodAction,
                                                               Map param) {
            OperationBinding ob =  getDCBindingContainer().getOperationBinding(methodAction);

            if (param != null) {
                Map paramOps = ob.getParamsMap();
            Object result = ob.execute();
            return result;
        * Return the Binding Container as a DCBindingContainer.
        * @return current binding container as a DCBindingContainer
       public static DCBindingContainer getDCBindingContainer() {
           return (DCBindingContainer)getBindingContainer();
        * Return the current page's binding container.
        * @return the current page's binding container
       public static BindingContainer getBindingContainer() {
           return (BindingContainer)evaluateEL("#{bindings}");
    * Programmatic evaluation of EL.
    * @param el EL to evaluate
    * @return Result of the evaluation
    public static Object evaluateEL(String el) {
        FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
        ExpressionFactory expressionFactory =
        ValueExpression exp =
        expressionFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, el,
        return exp.getValue(elContext);

    public void setDeptTree(RichTree deptTree) {
        this.deptTree = deptTree;

    public RichTree getDeptTree() {
        return deptTree;

   f. Bind tree with bean's deptTree property


   g. Change af:query's querylistener and point it to searchEmployeeAndDepartment method of bean.

That's it. You can run your page now. You should see following result

The logic is
1. On search button click execute a bean method
2. Bean method will excute department search as normal
3. Bean method will also call AM method which will execute each employee rowsets based on Job-id
4. Bean method will refresh tree component.

Few things that we can try
a. Do not execute all row-set of employee vos but only those which are already open. Yes set criteria in all row-sets so that if user opens other, criteria is applied.

b. If we only specify JobId and there are departments which does not have employee with that job, we should not be showing those departments. We can use Exist operator (view-link) in DepartmentVO for that but we need to change AM code to refer job-id from nested row. Planning to implement it in next blog.

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in this blog are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company.

Monday, September 15, 2014

REST: Adding JSON support using jackson on weblogic 10.3.4

In my previous blog I showed how to create a RESTful service on weblogic 10.3.4

In this blog I am going to show how to provide JSON response from webservice using jackson apis.

jackson libraries are used to convert a JSON message into a java object and also java object to a JSON message.

We need to follow these steps
1. Configure weblogic for jackson libraries
2. Add jackson libraries to jdev project
3. Write pojos which needs to be exposed as JSON
4. Write service method and configure web.xml with Jersey servlet
5.  Deploy project on weblogic
6. Test

1. Configure weblogic for jackson libraries

 Similarly as in previous blog we have added jersey libraries as a shared libraries in weblogic, this time we need to add jackson libraries. These libraries are available under $WL_HOME/common/deployable-libraries
 We need to add jackson-core-asl, jackson-jaxrs, jackson-mapper-asl libraries. For detail steps about how to add libraries see blog ''

2. Add jackson libraries to jdev project

 For design time support of jackson libraries we need to add jackson libraries to our project.
 Follow these steps
a. Navigate to project properties > Library and classpath
b. Add Library 'JAX-RS Jersey Jacson (Bundle)' as shown below

For runtime support configure weblogic.xml so that code can refer to shared libraries of weblogic that we have installed in first step.

3. Write POJOs which needs to be exposed as JSON

As I said earlier jackson libraries can be used to convert java objects to JSON message and vice versa. We need to create POJO objects which needs to be represented in JSON. In this example I am creating employee and address pojos as shown below
import java.util.List;
public class Employee {
    private Long empId;
    private String name;
    private List addresses;   
    public Employee() {

    public void setEmpId(Long empId) {
        this.empId = empId;
    public Long getEmpId() {
        return empId;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public void setAddresses(List addresses) {
        this.addresses = addresses;
    public List getAddresses() {
        return addresses;

public class Address {
    private Long addressId;
    private String addressType;
    private String line1;
    private String line2;
    private String city;
    private String state;
    private String country;
    private String zipCode;
    public Address() {

    public void setAddressId(Long addressId) {
        this.addressId = addressId;

    public Long getAddressId() {
        return addressId;

    public void setAddressType(String addressType) {
        this.addressType = addressType;

    public String getAddressType() {
        return addressType;

    public void setLine1(String line1) {
        this.line1 = line1;

    public String getLine1() {
        return line1;

    public void setLine2(String line2) {
        this.line2 = line2;

    public String getLine2() {
        return line2;

    public void setCity(String city) { = city;

    public String getCity() {
        return city;

    public void setState(String state) {
        this.state = state;

    public String getState() {
        return state;

    public void setCountry(String country) { = country;

    public String getCountry() {
        return country;

    public void setZipCode(String zipCode) {
        this.zipCode = zipCode;

    public String getZipCode() {
        return zipCode;

NOTE: There is a one to many relationship in these two classes. One employee can have multiple addresses. We have included an instance variable addresses of type List in Employee class.

4. Write service method and configure web.xml with Jersey servlet

 Create new class EmployeeService in package
 NOTE: This package is already configured to have Jersey service classes in previous blog. It is done by creating entry in web.xml. See previous blog

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerationException;

public class EmployeeService {
    public EmployeeService() {
    // To generate json
    public String getEmployeeDetails() {
        Address a1 = new Address();
        a1.setLine1("Flat 1 ABC appartment");
        a1.setLine2("3rd Cross 1st Mian, MG Area");
        Address a2 = new Address();
        a2.setLine1("Flat 2 XYZ appartment");
        a2.setLine2("9th Cross 1st Mian, MG Area");
        List addrList = new ArrayList();
        Employee e1 = new Employee();
        StringWriter output = new StringWriter();                                          
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        try {
            mapper.writeValue(output, e1);
        } catch (JsonGenerationException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("JsonGenerationException: " + e.getMessage());       
        } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("JsonMappingException: " + e.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("IOException: " + e.getMessage());
        return output.toString();


Important parts of this class are
a. Import of jackson classes: These classes are available from jackson libraries that we have added in project.
b. @Path("employee"): It means we need to add /employee in our url while calling this service
c. @GET: It means a get service
d. @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON): It means response is of type JSON
e. Populate Employee/Address objects: As this is just a demo to show JSON response, I have created employee/address object inside service method itself but in general I would like to call a utility method or EJB session bean to provide me data about Employee/Address objects
f.  mapper.writeValue(output, e1): This method converts employee object e1 into its JSON representation.

Once again we can see our web.xml entry
        <display-name>Rest Jersey Application</display-name>


5.  Deploy project on weblogic
 Create a war profile and deploy it on weblogic server. Note down context root while creating war profile. Also explained in previous blog

6. Test

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in this blog are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

REST service on weblogic 10.3.4

In this blog we will be developing a simple REST service using jdev and deploying it on weblogic 10.3.4.

NOTE: Jdeveloper 12c has better support for REST service creation but in this blog I am using Jdev (or any older version) because I have to deploy these services on weblogic 10.3.4

NOTE: We will be using Jersey reference implementation of jsr311 to create REST services

We will perform following steps
1. Configure weblogic 10.3.4 with Jersey libraries
2. Create a REST service
3. Configure web.xml for REST service resources
4. Configure weblogic.xml to refer shared Jersey libraries
5. Deploy project on weblogic server
6. Access REST service

1. Configure weblogic 10.3.4 with Jersey libraries:

We get Jersey libraries with weblogic but they are not by default installed so we need to install them ourself.
Jersey libraries are available at $WL_HOME/common/deployable-libraries
Install jersey-bundle-, jsr311-api-1.1.1.war on weblogic server as a Shared libraries.
Follow these steps for installing libraries (one at a time)
a. Launch weblogic console http://<server>:<port>/console
b. Navigate to Deployments
c. Click on Install
d. Select jersey-bundle-1.1.5.war
e. Select 'Install this deployment as library'
f. Select server on which you want to deploy this library. Note you can deploy rest service on same server. I am selecting 'Admin Server' so while deploying I can deploy REST service only on 'Admin server'. Admin server serves request from port 7001, which I need to use while accessing service.
f. Click Next Next and finish on rest of the pages.

Similarly install jsr311-api.war

2. Create a REST service

Next we need to create a simple REST service
Follow these steps to create REST service

a. Create an application/project.
    If you don't have an application/project already, create it.
    Create custom application/project.



b. Add Jersey library to project

c. Create a new java class to represent a resource
    REST stands for 'Representational State Transfer'. Actually we are transferring a resource between client and server. Every resource can be represented by structure (XML, HTML, TEXT, JSON) etc. We just want to transfer that representation of resource using REST service.

   Create a java class as shown below

public class HelloWorld {

  // To generate plain text
  public String helloInPlainText() {
    return "Hello! How are you?";

  // To generate xml
  public String helloInXML() {
    return "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" + "<welcomeMsg> Hello! How are you?" + "</welcomeMsg>";

  // To generate html
  public String helloInHTML() {
    return "<html> " + "<title>" + "Hello" + "</title>"
        + "<body><h1>" + "How are you?" + "</body></h1>" + "</html> ";


3. Configure web.xml for REST service resources
a. Create web.xml (Java EE deployment descriptor) for your project.
     New > Search for 'Java EE Deployment Descriptor'
     Follow wizard

b. Add following entry in web.xml file
NOTE: There are other ways also to specify resource classes to jersey. For example using init parameter, but I believe using parameter is easiest way. 

NOTE: If you have service resource in multiple packages specify value as 

4. Configure weblogic.xml to refer shared Jersey libraries

   a. Create weblogic deployment descriptor (weblogic.xml) file
       New > Search for 'Weblogic Deployment Descriptor'


b. Add shared libraries in weblogic.xml file

5. Deploy project on weblogic server

a. Set context root for your project
 b. Create WAR deployment profile
   Project Properties > Deployment Profile > New (War deployment profile)

c. Deploy project on weblogic server
     Now deploy project on weblogic server as normal war file.
      You can create app server connection in resource palate and then right click on project and deploy
      OR alternatively you can deploy war file first and then deploy it using weblogic console

6. Access REST service 

You can access service as http://<server>:<port>/<context-root>/<url-pattern>/<path>

server: weblogic server host
port: weblogic server port
context-root: defined in step 5. myrestservice in our case
url-pattern: defined in web.xml. /rest in our case
path: defined as @Path annotation in service class. helloworld in our case

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in this blog are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company.