Tuesday, April 25, 2017

ADF: Popup gets closed automatically

Problem description: I found at times people complaint that ADF popup gets closed automatically.
In this blog I am trying to figure out possible cause of popup getting closed.

Possible cause: There are following four scenarios when a popup gets closed.
          1. User selects default buttons or close icon of dialog
          2. User programmatically closes popup using hide function
          3. User hit enter/escape key
          4. Popup or its parent component gets refreshed.

In first two points popup getting closed is desired behavior.

In third case when you use default buttons of popup, it gets closed with enter/escape keys. If you don't want you can use custom buttons as suggested in blog https://blogs.oracle.com/jheadstart/entry/adf_faces_how_to_prevent_closi

Point 4 is most problamatic, when user is not doing anything to close popup but it gets closed automatically. This happens when as a ppr we refresh popup or any of its parent component.
Lets take a scenario:
You have an inputText on popup the moment you enter its value and tab out your popup is getting closed. This may be because you are refreshing popup or any of its parent component. When you do so popup gets closed automatically. Your popup or any parent component of it might have partialtrigger property pointing to inputText. Or you may have valuechangeListener on inputText and you programmatically using addPartialTarget trying to refresh a component, which is having popup as child component in hierarchy.

Most of the time this happens accidentally. You decide to refresh UI component on base page and forget that same UI component is having popup also as child component. As a good practice I can suggest that we should move all our popups in single panelGroupLayout and keep them somewhere close to root components. For example

PanelGroupLayout -container
    PanelGroupLayout - main  [Keep your main page content here]
    PanelGroupLayout - popus  [Keep all your popups together here]

Keeping popups out of main page ensure that you can freely refresh main page components while working on popups.
One exception to this rule I see is when you have inline popups. For example you have a table and every row is showing some information in popup (may be on hover) and you have added popup inside a column with contentDelivery=immediate to make sure that popup launches quick with making a server trip. In such cases you have to add popup inside and refer #{row.myAttribute} kind of expression's EL in those.

Thats all.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Change webservice endpoint at runtime

Problem Description: In ADF we can create a webservice proxy and if we see the main class which extends Service has references of wsdl like
Now if we have dev/uat/production environment and for each environment we need to change endpoint, it could be very bad to change url manually and then generate ear. We need a way to dynamically change url at runtime.

What we can do is keep service class as it is. We can use Client class, which we use to create instance of Servce and while creating instance we can provide url

Let say my client class is HCMUserDetailService. I change its constructor to accept url from outside.

    public HCMUserDetailService(String wsdlLocation, String username, String password) {
        userDetailsService_Service =  new UserDetailsService_Service(wsdlLocation, new QName("http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/hcm/people/roles/userDetailsServiceV2/",
        SecurityPoliciesFeature securityFeatures =     new SecurityPoliciesFeature(new String[] { "oracle/wss_username_token_over_ssl_client_policy" });
        userDetailService =      userDetailsService_Service.getUserDetailsServiceSoapHttpPort(securityFeatures);
        Map<String, Object> reqContext =  ((BindingProvider)userDetailService).getRequestContext();
        reqContext.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, username);
        reqContext.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, password);
        objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();

In above code constructor accepts a wsdl url as input and use that to create service instance using UserDetailsService_Service(wsdlLocation,new QName....

Now anybody needs to invoke service using this proxy we can pass wsdl location as input.

User of this client can read wsdl from
1. web.xml context parameter and then use deployment plan to change value of web.xml
2. from database table.

That way wsdl url is not hardcoded and it will get changed dyanamically.

Thats all.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

JCS/JCS-SX: Creating application server connection

Problem Description: I see most of the time people face issues while creating connection with JCS server using Jdev. Its pretty straight forward but we provide wrong details most of the time.


1. Use Resources pane and select New Connection > Application Server

2. If this JCS account then you can enable your weblogic ports 7001/7002 to public and make normal weblogic application server connection in Resource tab.

3. If its JCS-SX then you may want to use Oracle Cloud type of application-server connection. On first tab provide any name to your connection and select connection-type = Oracle Cloud

4. Next tab provide username/password. NOTE: These are cloud service user not weblogic user. In normal weblogic connection we provide weblogic user and its password but here it should be cloud user and password. If you don't have cloud user details ask cloud admin (who owns identity domain of cloud).

5. Next tab is where you need to select cloud service details [Datacenter, Identity-domain, Service Name]. This is the tab where I see mistakes most of the time. We should be knowing how to get these information. For that login to your cloud my services dashboard.

Datacenter, you always know as that is first thing you select when you want to login to your cloud account. Most of the time for me its us2.

Find identity domain on dashboard

   Select your JCS-SX instance and launch Service Detail page. 
   Get Service-Name as shown below from Service Detail page

   You can also get service name from Java console. Select Java Console from service detail page
   Service Name is mentioned at top of page

Now mention these details on your Jdev connection

Navigate to Test tab and perform a test

Thats all.